From words to action: Can local policies and declarations address racism as a public health issue?

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From words to action: Can local policies and declarations address racism as a public health issue?

Over the past few years, increasing incidences of police brutality and the global COVID-19 pandemic have renewed interest and attention for advancing health equity and justice. COVID-19 has been particularly harmful for already at-risk communities, and many local governments have responded by declaring racism a public health issue. We wanted to know: Have these declarations been followed up with meaningful action?

In partnership with the Praxis Project, BMSG evaluated such declarations by assessing how they were received by local stakeholders, how they were covered by the media, and whether the declarations resulted in government action to dismantle inequities and promote health and well-being for all community members.

As an extension of this work, BMSG is participating in a new collaborative dedicated to advancing anti-racism work. Learn more at

Related resources

‘We have to move quickly to cement this willingness for change’: news narratives about declarations of racism as a public health crisis, 2019–2021

What advocates and journalists can learn from news narratives about declarations of racism as a public health crisis

Equity in action: Assessing the role of community in declarations of racism as a public health crisis

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