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Food marketing to children is not improving rapidly enough, Lori Dorfman tells White House audience

by: Carolyn Newbergh
posted on Friday, September 27, 2013

Aggressive food marketing to children via mobile phones and other digital media is growing explosively and needs to be reined in quickly, BMSG’s Lori Dorfman told a White House gathering held by First Lady Michelle Obama and the White House Domestic Policy Council.

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Big Food and Big Tobacco take the long view and so should advocates

by: Andrew Cheyne
posted on Wednesday, February 20, 2013

To create a favorable political climate and protect their profits, both the food and tobacco industries have devised ways to anticipate — and counter — threats. Their tactics, often hidden from the public, reveal an important lesson: Success happens over the long haul — advocates should plan accordingly.

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Behind Coca-Cola’s ties to NAACP

by: Fernando Quintero
posted on Monday, February 04, 2013

When news broke of NAACP‰’s recent decision to accept funds from Coke and help fight portion size limits in New York City, many in public health were quick to scold the civil rights group. But there’s more to the story than meets the eye, and advocates shouldn’t be distracted from real culprit in all this: Big Soda.

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How Big Food is targeting my toddler

by: Pamela Mejia
posted on Thursday, January 24, 2013

As a media researcher, I spend my days analyzing the food industry’s marketing of junk to children, so I’m uniquely aware of their insidious tactics. But now, as my daughter approaches age 2 and the food industry sets its sights on her, I’m not just studying the problem. I’m living it.

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