by: Heather Gehlert
posted on Monday, October 28, 2019
This year, we’ll be presenting research on news coverage of cannabis legislation, police violence, and housing instability. Check out our sessions and connect with us in person or online using #PHIAPHA and #APHA2019.
by: Heather Gehlert
posted on Tuesday, October 15, 2019
After being diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer, BMSG’s senior communication manager explores the psychological impact of the way we communicate about the disease, what that means for journalists reporting on the issue, and why people living with cancer should be steering the conversation.
Tags: breast cancer, language, metaphors, news
by: Katherine Schaff
posted on Wednesday, September 25, 2019
When advocates reach out to BMSG for help shaping the public narrative and advancing policy change on a particular public health or social justice issue, they often are eager to improve their ability to write op-eds or speak with reporters. But public testimony is another powerful way to deliver compelling messages that reach decision-makers. In this blog, our health equity coordinator offers tips for doing so, based on her recent experience providing public comment at San Francisco City Hall.
Tags: community organizing, media advocacy, public comment, public testimony
by: Daphne Marvel
posted on Thursday, July 25, 2019
A new series of briefs from BMSG explores how the food and beverage industry strategically sets prices, leverages cutting-edge technology, and exploits cultural sensibilities to build brand loyalty and sell unhealthy products to low-income communities and communities of color.
Tags: health equity, junk food, marketing to communities of color, sugary drinks
by: Katherine Schaff
posted on Wednesday, May 29, 2019
BMSG’s latest news analysis offers insights into how Bay Area housing justice and public health organizations are leveraging the media to support their policy agendas and elevate the connection to health. Based on those insights, here are seven recommendations for practitioners and advocates working to make safe, affordable homes a reality in their communities.
Tags: health equity, housing, racial equity
by: Heather Gehlert
posted on Tuesday, April 09, 2019
A new study from Berkeley Media Studies Group found that coverage of the child welfare system omits important context and connections to other issues. Here are four steps practitioners can take to improve the news.
Tags: child welfare, domestic violence, media, media advocacy, news
by: Heather Gehlert
posted on Friday, March 29, 2019
A recent New York Times editorial series on the consequences of laws that threaten women’s reproductive freedom inspired us to examine a powerful but underused media advocacy tactic and whether advocates can use similar approaches to put other policy issues in the media spotlight.
Tags: editorial boards, media advocacy, reproductive justice
by: Daphne Marvel
posted on Wednesday, March 13, 2019
Op-eds are a powerful tool not only for bringing public health and social justice issues to the public’s attention, but also for reaching policymakers and promoting concrete policy solutions. Here are some tips to help you use op-eds to put your issue in the media spotlight.
Tags: media advocacy, strategic communication
by: Sarah Han
posted on Thursday, February 28, 2019
Despite some progress in removing stigmatizing language from coverage of immigration, the i-word still appears in a significant amount of coverage, found new research from BMSG.
Tags: immigration, media analysis, stigma
by: Pamela Mejia
posted on Thursday, February 21, 2019
A 7-year-old gets a lesson in media advocacy, showing that strategic communication can help anyone make the case for the social change they want to see.