
writer at a desk

Join BMSG at APHA 2018

by: Daphne Marvel
posted on Monday, November 05, 2018

This year, we’ll be presenting research on a range of topics, from violence prevention to the child welfare system to racial equity in the news. Check out our sessions and connect with us in person or online using #PHIAPHA and #APHA2018.

Mapping the road forward: 6 steps for building effective messages about sexual violence prevention

by: Daphne Marvel
posted on Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Helping people to understand that sexual violence can be prevented is a critical step toward achieving that goal, but communicating about prevention is challenging, even for experts with decades of experience. To equip people in the field with the tools needed to do so, we developed a new guide, “Where We’re Going and Where We’ve Been: Making the Case for Sexual Violence Prevention,” with support from our partners at RALIANCE.

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