blog tag: reproductive justice

writer at a desk

Women’s everyday experiences must be at the center of abortion stories

by: Lunden Mason
posted on Monday, June 24, 2024

In the two years since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, journalists have been working tirelessly to show how continued efforts to restrict abortion impact the lives of women and pregnant people. The trouble is, many of the stories we’re seeing in news coverage represent extreme cases rather than the most common reasons women seek abortion, including because of financial circumstances, education or career goals, or because they already have children to care for. In this blog, BMSG communication assistant Lunden Mason shares her own abortion story and why more ordinary abortion experiences must be uplifted in news coverage.

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Building relationships with editorial boards: A strategy to increase news coverage of health and social justice issues

by: Heather Gehlert
posted on Friday, March 29, 2019

A recent New York Times editorial series on the consequences of laws that threaten women’s reproductive freedom inspired us to examine a powerful but underused media advocacy tactic and whether advocates can use similar approaches to put other policy issues in the media spotlight.

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