BMSG in the news

newspaper mastheads

Let’s Move: But not with Shaq and Beyonc̩

by Alexandra Sifferlin |
Monday, September 16, 2013

Should the same high-profile celebrities who promote sugary drinks be a part of campaigns to improve children’s health? BMSG’s Andrew Cheyne weighs in on the confusing message it sends kids when a campaign’s message and messenger are in conflict.

Forget the food: Fast food ads aimed at kids feature lots of giveaways

by Alexandra Sifferlin |
Thursday, August 29, 2013

A new study shows that fast food companies rely heavily on toys and games, not food itself, to lure young customers and create lifelong connections with them. Quoted in this article for TIME, BMSG's Andrew Cheyne explains why this type of marketing is of particular concern to public health advocates.

Lifestyle ads from Big Soda: Hypocritical or helpful?

by Alexandra Sifferlin |
Friday, August 02, 2013

Corporate social responsibility campaigns are a favorite tactic of soda companies to deflect criticism and manage their image. In this article, BMSG's Andrew Cheyne explains how these campaigns allow the soda industry to shift the blame for their products' health harms onto consumers and obscure the need for regulation.

Nickelodeon resists critics of food ads

by Brooks Barnes, Brian Stelter | The New York Times
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

In spite of continued pressure from BMSG, the Center for Science in the Public Interest, and other advocacy groups committed to reducing junk food marketing to children, Nickelodeon maintains that its primary responsibility is entertainment and resists adopting responsible food marketing standards.

Senators urge Nickelodeon to stop airing junk food ads to kids

by Katy Bachman | Ad Week
Monday, June 10, 2013

Four senators join Berkeley Media Studies Group, the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) and other partners in demanding that Nickelodeon "implement strong nutrition standards for all of its marketing to children." Although CSPI found that seven out of 10 food ads Nick carries are for junk foods, Nickelodeon claims its first responsibility is entertainment and will not change its advertising lineup.

Marketing foods and drinks to kids in schools goes on and on

by Marion Nestle | Food Politics
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

A new report from the National Education Policy Center at University of Colorado, Boulder, shows that food companies are not making enough progress in reducing marketing to children. However, the report does not offer recommendations for change. To learn more about how to take action, Nestle recommends visiting our resources section or, the website of the Food Marketing Workgroup, also contains action opportunities.

Did the food industry buy your kid?

by Nan Feyler |
Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Food and beverage companies spend billions each year to target kids with mostly unhealthy products. Referencing a BMSG report on target marketing, the chief of staff of the Philadelphia Department of Public Health shows how pervasive the issue is, especially in communities of color, which are disproportionately targeted with ads for junk food.

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