by Gary Schwitzer |
Friday, June 22, 2012
The journal PLoS Medicine has begun to publish a series of articles that explores the role of Big Food in influencing health. The series includes a study from BMSG and the Public Health Advocacy Institute that draws parallels between the marketing tactics of soda companies and the tobacco industry. by Robyn O'Brien | Prevention
Friday, June 22, 2012
In a new series on Big Food, the scientific journal PLoS Medicine investigates the food and beverage industry's influence on public health across the globe. The series includes a study by BMSG and the Public Health Advocacy Institute that draws parallels between soda and tobacco industry marketing tactics.
by David Sell |
Thursday, June 21, 2012
The Public Health Advocacy Institute and other public health groups, including BMSG, filed a complaint with the FTC, saying that Merck's Claritin tie-in with a popular kids' movie could mislead children into thinking its medicine -- flavored and branded with Madagascar 3 characters -- is Ed Silverman | Pharmalot
Thursday, June 21, 2012
In a letter to the FTC, the Public Health Advocacy Institute, along with BMSG and other groups, asked the agency to investigate Merck for a Claritin marketing tie-in with Madagascar 3 that may be misleading and dangerous to kids' Katrina Schwartz | State of Health, a KQED blog
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Soda companies are using sophisticated "corporate social responsibility" campaigns to increase the popularity of their products, especially among youth. According to a PLoS Medicine journal article by BMSG and the Public Health Advocacy Institute, the soda industry is drawing from marketing tactics used by Big Tobacco. by Emily P. Walker | MedPage Today
Thursday, June 21, 2012
The food and beverage industry has a huge and growing influence on the obesity crisis, but "Big Food" is not met with the same skepticism as other industries that influence public health, according to the editors of PLoS Medicine. The journal launched a three-part series last week that explores Big Food's impact on public health. The series includes a study by BMSG and the Public Health Advocacy Institute that compares soda industry marketing strategies with those of Big Katy Bachman | Adweek
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
In a letter to the FTC, public health groups including the Public Health Advocacy Institute and BMSG asked the agency to investigate a Claritin ad tie-in with the movie Madagascar 3, saying it is dangerous and deceives Katie Thomas | The New York Times
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Public health advocates from BMSG and other groups have said in a letter to the FTC that drug-maker Merck is marketing its Claritin children's allergy medicine directly to kids using packages that feature characters from the popular movie Madagascar Mary MacVean | Los Angeles Times
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Food companies have a major influence on public health worldwide, and articles from the online journal PLoS Medicine say their actions need greater scrutiny. One of the articles, co-authored by BMSG and the Public Health Advocacy Institute, compares the marketing tactics of the soda industry to those of Big Jo Willey |
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
On the heels of an article by BMSG and PHAI that draws parallels between the health threats and marketing strategies of soda companies and Big Tobacco, BMSG’s Lori Dorfman explains that soda marketers are explicitly targeting young people to increase sales.