BMSG in the news

newspaper mastheads

Health groups criticize allergy drug promotion

by Katie Thomas | The New York Times
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Public health advocates from BMSG and other groups have said in a letter to the FTC that drug-maker Merck is marketing its Claritin children's allergy medicine directly to kids using packages that feature characters from the popular movie Madagascar 3.

Food industry is focus of science magazine series

by Mary MacVean | Los Angeles Times
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Food companies have a major influence on public health worldwide, and articles from the online journal PLoS Medicine say their actions need greater scrutiny. One of the articles, co-authored by BMSG and the Public Health Advocacy Institute, compares the marketing tactics of the soda industry to those of Big Tobacco.

Fizzy drinks are as bad for your health as tobacco

by Jo Willey |
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

On the heels of an article by BMSG and PHAI that draws parallels between the health threats and marketing strategies of soda companies and Big Tobacco, BMSG’s Lori Dorfman explains that soda marketers are explicitly targeting young people to increase sales.

Report: Coke, Pepsi outreach campaigns are harming public health

by Jason Koebler | U.S. News & World Report
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Soda companies are using corporate social responsibility campaigns to help clean up their image and prevent regulation of their products. A PLoS Medicine article shows the campaigns rely on many of the same tactics used by the tobacco industry. BMSG’s Andrew Cheyne, one of the article’s authors, says the strategy is a diversion to blame consumers for the health consequences of soda industry products.

Soda pop ad campaigns called misleading

by Melanie Nagy | CBC News
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

An article by BMSG and PHAI in PLoS Medicine, an online journal, shows that the soda industry is using many of the same tactics the tobacco industry once used to improve its public image. Yet unlike Big Tobacco, soda companies’ corporate social responsibility campaigns “explicitly aim to increase sales, including among young people.”

Girl Scout candy bars ignite controversy

by Nichol Nelson | TakePart
Monday, June 18, 2012

Public health advocates from the Center for Science in the Public Interest and BMSG say that Nestle's use of the Girl Scouts' name and logo on a new line of candy bars is a form of marketing to children. The groups have urged Nestle to remove the Girl Scout branding from the bars, which have more calories, saturated fat and sugar than the Girl Scout cookies they're modeled after.
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