BMSG in the news

newspaper mastheads

Food marketing targeted at kids still not ideal

by Petra Rattue | Medical News Today
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A thorough review in the March issue of the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, shows that public sector stakeholders have failed to fully implement recommendations from the Institute of Medicine (IOM,) to support a healthful diet to children and adolescents. This article includes findings from the review and quotes BMSG’s Lori Dorfman, who co-authored a commentary on the subject in the same issue of AJPM.

Breaking news on child sexual abuse: Early coverage of Penn State

by Staff | Journalism Center on Children and Families
Saturday, February 04, 2012

A January 2012 report, released by the Ms. Foundation for Women and the Berkeley Media Studies Group, credits the media for its use of precise language in the days immediately following the arrest of Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky on charges of child sexual abuse. However, the report criticizes the media for its shortsightedness in discussing prevention of future abuse.

Reporters can do better: New report on media coverage of Sandusky

by Pamela Mejia, Larry Cohen | Huffington Post
Thursday, January 12, 2012

People are still talking about Penn State. So what are the media saying, and how might coverage affect public conversation as Sandusky’s trial moves forward? A new study, Breaking news on child sexual abuse: Early coverage of Penn State by Berkeley Media Studies Group, commissioned by the Ms. Foundation for Women, analyzed the first nine days of coverage. The study found gaps in reporting that should be fixed so that news coverage includes a focus on prevention.

Lessons from media coverage of Penn State child sexual abuse case

by David Lee | PreventConnect
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Media coverage of the Penn State child sexual abuse case looked at institutional accountability in a way that most other media coverage of child sexual abuse has not done before. However, the media coverage still failed to examine potential prevention solutions, according to a new report from the Ms. Foundation for Women and the Berkeley Media Studies Group.

Breastfeeding moms need support for right to nurse publicly

by Kate Raphael | Women's Magazine, KPFA
Monday, January 09, 2012

After breastfeeding mom Michelle Hickman was denied the right to publicly nurse at a Texas Target store, she organized a national 'nurse-in' at Targets across the country. BMSG's Ingrid Daffner Krasnow participated at a store in Emeryville, Calif. to help support the rights of nursing moms. In this interview with KPFA, she explains the challenges that nursing moms face in spite of laws in 45 states that protect women's right to breastfeed in public. She calls for more support from retail stores, workplaces and other institutions.

Letter to the editor: Life-saving beauty

by Fernando Quintero | San Francisco Chronicle
Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Golden Gate Bridge is one of the country's most awe-inspiring landmarks -- one that enhances the holidays. But, as Fernando Quintero points out, adding a much-needed suicide prevention barrier to save lives -- particularly during a time that, for many, is filled with despair -- would make it all the more meaningful.

Letter to the editor: Fight fast food companies

by Andrew Cheyne | San Francisco Chronicle
Monday, December 12, 2011

In this letter to the editor, BMSG's Andrew Cheyne discusses the importance of creative local policymaking in reducing and reversing childhood obesity.

What we’re reading: More on child rape and describing the unspeakable

by Edward Schumacher-Matos | NPR
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Reporters and editors often avoid stories on child sexual abuse except when a case enters the criminal justice system. They also tend to sanitize their descriptions of such abuse, using terms like “molest” and “inappropriate sexual behavior” and rarely speaking of “rape.” NPR’s ombudsman discusses these and other findings from BMSG’s recent study: Case by case: News coverage of child sexual abuse.

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