BMSG in the news

newspaper mastheads

Smother Earth [pdf]

by Lori Dorfman | San Francisco Chronicle
Saturday, February 22, 2003

BMSG's Lori Dorfman calls for investments in workable alternative energy sources to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and lesson our dependence on oil.

Crimes using firearms are preventable

by Lori Dorfman | Los Angeles Times
Wednesday, September 04, 2002

Violence has many causes and many solutions. Handgun availability is one of them, and reducing this variable helped contribute to the dramatic decline in violence during the 1990s.

Preschool funding

by Sonja Herbert | Los Angeles Times
Thursday, July 25, 2002

Preschool is a key part of the U.S. educational system, yet parents are expected to shoulder the full financial burden. Legislators should be jumping to fix this.

Tobacco’s toll

by Joel Ervice | San Francisco Chronicle
Wednesday, April 17, 2002

BMSG's Joel Ervice challenges a tobacco company spokesman's claim that our nation's $157.7 billion annual cost in smoking-related medical bills and productivity losses is meaningless. Ervice puts the figure in perspective, showing that it is three times the U.S. government's yearly spending on education.

Restrict marketing

by Iris Diaz | San Francisco Chronicle
Wednesday, April 17, 2002

The tobacco industry reaps profits while passing off the social costs of its deadly products to taxpayers, says BMSG's Iris Diaz in this letter to the editor.

Turn spotlight on child care (Purchase required)

by John McManus, Lori Dorfman | Oakland Tribune
Tuesday, April 02, 2002

Child care ought to be newsworthy, yet as former BMSG researcher John McManus and current director Lori Dorfman show in this article, it is barely visible in American newspapers. In fact, McManus and Dorfman's research reveals that California newspapers average just two stories per year about child care in their business sections, even though the industry generates as much money per year in California as vegetable crops or livestock.

Judging from the news, you’d think they were a plague

by Lori Dorfman, Vincent Schiraldi | Los Angeles Times
Sunday, April 15, 2001

What Americans see and hear about youth in the news bears little resemblance to young people's real lives. Repeated images of students as schoolhouse killers, coupled with the absence of more balanced depictions of youth in general, have stereotyped youth as violent and depraved. BMSG director Lori Dorfman and Vincent Schiraldi of the Justice Policy Institute explain why this is damaging to the public and how the news media can improve its coverage of youth.

Off balance: News media coverage of youth crime (Purchase required)

by Lori Dorfman, Vincent Schiraldi | San Diego Union Tribune
Friday, April 13, 2001

Do we get enough information from the news to understand violence among youth? To answer that question, BMSG director Lori Dorfman and Justice Policy Institute president Vincent Schiraldi analyzed more than 100 scientific studies of news content of youth and crime. Their findings, explained in this article, are disturbing.
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