BMSG in the news

newspaper mastheads

‘Rape drug’ fight is missing the point

by Katie Woodruff | San Francisco Chronicle
Friday, August 15, 1997

By focusing on educating women about the risks of rape drugs, Attorney General Janet Reno's campaign to fight such drugs essentially holds women responsible for preventing their own rape. Instead, she should be focused on stopping men from raping in the first place.

Our public schools need art and music

by Lori Dorfman | San Francisco Chronicle
Saturday, April 05, 1997

Involvement in the arts and music helps prepare young people for the responsibilities of adult life. Investing in such programs is sound economic policy and smart public policy.

Drug campaign

by Lori Dorfman | Los Angeles Times
Tuesday, March 18, 1997

Alcohol is the country's No. 1 drug problem, but ABC's public service advertising is not the way to address it. Raising alcohol's price through excise taxes is.

Unspun: Women and children first

by Phyllis Orrick, Susan Rasky | SF Weekly
Wednesday, January 15, 1997

Berkeley Media Studies Group and its partners at Coleman Advocates, a San Francisco-based welfare rights group, are training a group of San Francisco parents to get their voices heard in the media, making sure the opinions and needs of ordinary citizens -- women and children in particular -- don't go unnoticed.

East Palo Alto, economics and crime

by Katie Woodruff | San Francisco Chronicle
Monday, October 14, 1996

BMSG's Katie Woodruff commends the Chronicle for a front-page article that illustrated the connection between violence and economic conditions in East Palo Alto. Also promising, writes Woodruff, was city officials' recognition that increasing economic opportunity -- not police -- is key to reducing crime.

Youth crime debate is a mirror to society’s soul

by Lawrence Wallack | The New York Times
Thursday, July 04, 1996

The proliferation of guns, increasing income disparities, the widespread availability of alcohol, and funding prisons over schools have created a recipe for youth crime. Youth did not create the policies that led to these conditions. Yet, as BMSG co-director Lawrence Wallack points out, society vilifies youth when these conditions prove harmful.

Crime: Dig deeper [pdf]

by Lori Dorfman | Columbia Journalism Review
Monday, July 01, 1996

In response to an article regarding a KVUE experiment with crime coverage in Austin, BMSG's Lori Dorfman challenges KVUE to go even further. She submits that reporters should link their questions to an understanding of public health data on violence.

UC regents’ persistence with their ban on affirmative action

by Lori Dorfman | San Francisco Examiner
Friday, January 26, 1996

BMSG director Lori Dorfman takes on an Examiner editorial that urged the University of California Board of Regents to rescind its decision to abolish the use of preferential admissions. The editorial, she writes, rests on assumptions that the regents' action was politically motivated and violated academic freedom.

Unwitting in California

by Lori Dorfman | New York Times
Saturday, September 09, 1995

Californians may have unwittingly replaced the state's university system with the prison system when they voted to approve the "three-strikes" law, which extends prison sentences for habitual offenders. BMSG director Lori Dorfman explains why in this letter to the editor.

Invest in communities

by Lori Dorfman | San Francisco Chronicle
Friday, August 04, 1995

In this letter to the editor, BMSG co-director Lori Dorfman calls for the state to stop investing in prisons and instead pour the money into communities to help prevent crime before it starts.
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