by Lawrence Wallack | The Oakland Tribune
Wednesday, October 05, 1994
BMSG's Lawrence Wallack discusses the shooting of an Oakland teen as an illustration of the role alcohol too often plays in deadly Lori Dorfman | San Francisco Chronicle
Thursday, September 29, 1994
Crime and violence are devastating California emotionally and financially, writes BMSG's Lori Dorfman, who recommends investing more money on safe parks, libraries and other resources that will help prevent crime in the first Judith Michaelson | Los Angeles Times
Saturday, March 19, 1994
Dr. Jay Gordon, a pediatrician consultant to ABC's "Home" show, was dismayed to learn that producers cut his comments opposing the advertising of cancer- and disease-causing drugs to children from the show's West Coast broadcast. The comments came during a panel discussion with Berkeley Media Studies Group co-founder Lawrence Lawrence Wallack | The Oakland Tribune
Tuesday, February 22, 1994
In this letter to the editor, BMSG's Lawrence Wallack discusses the importance of expanding crime reporting to include the context of violence statistics so that news reports do not contribute to an atmosphere of fear or unfairly scapegoat youth for violent acts.