
BMSG's issue series
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‘Don’t think of a soda’: Contradictory public health messaging from a content analysis of Twitter posts about sugar-sweetened beverage taxes in California from 2015 to 2018

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Public health advocates working to support taxes on sugar-sweetened beverages may have inadvertently promoted SSBs, reinforced opposition to SSB taxes, and normalized SSBs, found a social media analysis from BMSG, published in the journal Frontiers in Public Health. In future SSB tax campaigns, advocates should ensure that the images they use on social media reflect the solutions they seek, not just the problem they are trying to combat.

report cover, featuring silhouette of a woman in front of a window

Finding that safe space: News about domestic violence and homelessness in California — and finding opportunities to build narrative power

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Domestic violence and homelessness are deeply intertwined, but does news coverage make that connection? If so, whose perspectives are included and whose are left out? How, if at all, are solutions presented? New BMSG research explores these and other questions in an analysis of California-based news and offers recommendations for advocates to help expand the narrative amid today’s already saturated media environment.

Worksheet: Message development

Friday, February 02, 2024

A resource to help advocates practice developing core components of a message and combining them into a cohesive statement.

Media advocacy worksheet: Overall strategy

Friday, February 02, 2024

Before trying to get media attention for the issue you are working on — or determining what your message is going to be — you and your coalition need to have clarity in your overall advocacy goals, as well as the steps you will take to achieve them. Answering the questions in this worksheet will help you identify what information you need to move forward and what immediate steps you need to take.

Layers of strategy

Friday, February 02, 2024

This document outlines BMSG’s four-stage approach to media advocacy planning, a process we call the layers of strategy. It follows the idea that message should never be first or foremost. Rather, the first and most important stage involves developing an overall strategy tied to an advocacy campaign’s specific policy goal. Media, message and media access strategies follow.

report cover. Two women are seated at a table outside on a sunny day. One woman is older and in a wheelchair. The other appears to be a caregiver or companion at her side.

Caregiver Narrative Project: Caregiving as an act of resistance and a common good

Monday, October 16, 2023

Caregiving — both paid and unpaid — is critical to the function of our society. But how does the public perceive this vital act? Berkeley Media Studies Group investigated narratives surrounding caregiving in collaboration with the California Work & Family Coalition, with support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

text-only journal cover for Journal of Health Communication

Pro- and anti-tax framing in news articles about California sugar-sweetened beverage tax campaigns from 2014-2018

Friday, September 08, 2023

To learn how four successful California campaigns appeared in the news, and to identify overarching patterns across multiple campaigns, BMSG and partners evaluated news coverage to compare how both supportive and oppositional messages characterized SSB taxes while communities were proposing, passing, and implementing their groundbreaking policies. Our results can inform advocates and community members as they make the case for taxes on sugary drinks.

Equity in action: Assessing the role of community in declarations of racism as a public health crisis

Friday, August 25, 2023

What role did community base-building organizations (CBOs) play in advancing declarations of racism as a public health crisis? And how were those declarations were covered in the media? In this brief, we answer those questions and present additional findings from a series of surveys, Learning Circles, and media analyses designed by The Praxis Project and Berkeley Media Studies Group.

blue cover with words 'Health Equity' at top in white, and silhouettes of open hands underneath the text. Hands are shown in yellow, purple, teal, red, blue, orange, and green.

‘Those who need it the most’: Equity framing in 2021 U.S. print news about food assistance

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Food assistance has been part of the U.S. social safety net for decades, although not without controversy over who should receive benefits and in what form. These issues became even more significant with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, when many Americans relied on food assistance. In this analysis BMSG researchers and partners examined how, if at all, news coverage of food assistance during the second year of the pandemic framed racial and health equity, and the possible implications of this framing for narrative change going forward.

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