
BMSG's issue series

Media advocacy and public health: Power for prevention

Thursday, October 07, 1993

How we think about health problems, and what we do about them, is largely determined by how they are reported on television, radio and in the newspapers. Often, crucial issues of public health policy are debated and decided on only after they are made visible by the media. In this book, we discuss the concept of media advocacy as a central strategy for the prevention of public health problems. We also lay out the theoretical framework and practical guidelines to successful media advocacy strategies and include case studies on such vital issues as AIDS and alcohol abuse.

Health messages on television commercials

Wednesday, January 01, 1992

This article contains findings from a content analysis of health messages found in television commercial time including advertisements, public service announcements (PSAs), editorials, and promotions for upcoming programs. Overall, 31% of the 654 commercial spots contained health messages, and most health messages were claims of good nutrition in food and beverage advertisements. No PSA addressed tobacco, alcohol, or diet — the three leading behavioral risk factors for poor health.

Television news, hegemony and health (letter)

Wednesday, January 01, 1992

The media frame stories to fit dominant perceptions of social problems, making the news an important vehicle for agenda-setting. Yet a content analysis of 20 hour-long segments of health messages on television revealed that health stories were not presented from a public health perspective. Rather, as this letter published in the American Journal of Public Health shows, stories focused more on medical technology, risk factors, and individual behavior or responsibility.

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