Why media representations of corporations matter for public health policy: A scoping review

BMSG's issue series

Why media representations of corporations matter for public health policy: A scoping review

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Media representations play a crucial role in informing public and policy opinions about the causes of, and solutions to, ill-health. This paper, co-authored by BMSG's Lori Dorfman and published in BMC Public Health, reviews studies analyzing media coverage of non-communicable disease debates, focusing on how the industries marketing commodities that increase disease risk are represented. The findings indicate that the limited research that has been undertaken is dominated by a focus on tobacco; comparative research across industries/risk-factors is particularly lacking; and coverage tends to be dominated by two contrasting frames and focuses either on individual responsibilities or on the need for population-level interventions.

View the full article at https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5006262/pdf/12889_2016_Article_3594.pdf.