Overcoming common communication challenges: A 3-part series for advocates
by: Ingrid Daffner Krasnow and Shaddai Martinez Cuestas
posted on Monday, December 16, 2019

Three steps for getting started with media advocacy
During BMSG’s recent work with grantees of The California Wellness Foundation, common themes emerged among their questions about strategic communication. This blog, the first in the series, is designed to help answer some of the most common media advocacy questions we received from both seasoned and novice advocates.

Using values and framing to create messages that motivate
Relying too heavily on data to make your case, inadvertently reinforcing opposition arguments, and simply getting tongue-tied are all common communication pitfalls. The good news is they can be avoided. This blog, the second in the series, draws on our work with advocates and captures lessons that they can apply to any public health or social justice issue.

Delivering effective messages: Lessons for advocates
One of the biggest communication challenges advocates face is delivering messages effectively under pressure. In this blog, the final in the series, we highlight common challenges and lessons from our spokesperson trainings and show how they can be applied, using a case example from one of our clients.