Accelerating progress on obesity
The purpose of this project was to determine how research and advocacy used successfully in tobacco control and other public health issues can be applied to childhood obesity prevention.
The purpose of this project was to determine how research and advocacy used successfully in tobacco control and other public health issues can be applied to childhood obesity prevention.
With support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, BMSG, the Center for Digital Democracy, Color Of Change, and UnidosUS are working to reduce — and eventually eliminate — junk food marketed targeted at low-income children and youth of color.
Berkeley Media Studies Group (BMSG) is honored to be a grantee of The Kresge Foundation’s Advancing Health Equity Through Housing Initiative. This initiative seeks to identify community-driven practices that connect the housing and health sectors and recognize multisector partnerships that preserve and increase the supply of stable housing to improve the health and well-being of families and communities in cities around the country.
BMSG has developed case studies of California health departments whose award-winning work on health equity has been recognized by The California Endowment.
BMSG analyzed United States newspaper coverage of childhood sexual assault to provide the Ms. Foundation for Women and its partners a more thorough understanding of what topics dominate this news coverage and how the issue is framed.
Berkeley Media Studies Group assisted the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky with evaluating its Promoting Responsive Healthy Policy initiative, which works to promote policies and practices that increase access to health care, improve children’s health, and bolster smoke-free protections for Kentuckians.
BMSG worked with the Public Health Advocacy Instiute to investigate how food and beverage marketers use digital, especially mobile, media to target children; analyze the implications of these marketing practices; contribute to the analysis of how these campaigns can be used for actions by state attorney generals; and assist with the publication of scholarly and policy documents.
News is important because it sets the agenda for policy debates and shapes the information that voters and policy makers use when they consider whether or not to support an issue. As such, we wanted to learn more about the media conversation surrounding whether or not to tax sugary drinks.
Domestic violence and homelessness are deeply connected, but current news narratives and framing often portray these issues as separate, leading policymakers and the public to ignore this important link. In collaboration with Blue Shield of California Foundation, BMSG is working to support sustained narrative change around these issues.
In this project, BMSG developed a media advocacy plan to counter the aggressive marketing by the tobacco industry at family sporting events and to frame the issue as one of irresponsible industry marketing. We also taught advocates how to develop a media strategy, anticipate difficult questions in interviews and prepare solid, policy-oriented answers.